
Building Dedication Opportunities

  • Yes! I want to be part of Tulane Chabas's expansion by making a Gift/Pledge today!!

  • Tulane Chabad is a warm, welcoming educational center where students from diverse backgrounds find unwavering and joyful support while exploring and celebrating their Jewish identities, Jewish life, tradition, and Israel.

    Students love coming because they find a place of shared learning, social justice, renewal, celebration, refreshment, and the friendship of an extended Jewish family.

    We have an opportunity to double our capacity.With this additional space:

    • Students will be able to stop in 24/7 in a home they can call their own
    • Increase our capacity to welcome students (every week we run out of space)
    • Create a nice indoor and outdoor study space
    • A place students can stop by to grab a coffee, food and friendship + connection
    • Kosher cafeteria/food option

  • All dedications will have a permanent acknowledgment and tribute in the new space.

  • Donor Tablet

  • In addition to the dedications outlined above, an elegant "Donors Tablet" – prominently acknowledging the generous support categories described below – will be a permanent fixture of beauty and tribute in our building.

  • $0.00
  • Credit Card
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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