Yom Kippur
Friday, October 11
Kol Nidrei - at the Chabad student center - 6:00 PM
Saturday, October 12
Morning Services 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Afternoon Services 5:00 pm
Neilah (Closing service) 6:15 pm
Break the Fast - at the Chabad student center - 7:15PM RSVP here
Starting very softly, Kol Nidrei begins. It is sung three times, louder and louder, as if entering a spiritual Palace and coming closer to the Eternal King.
The words of the Kol Nidrei prayer refer to cancelling vows. In medieval Spain, Jews were forced at sword-point to swear that they will abandon Judaism. It is said that on Yom Kippur they would gather together and formally cancel any such vows, past or future. They could then pray on the Sacred Day with a clear conscience.
In America today, no-one forces us to deny Judaism. But our spiritual weakness often leads us to feel that we are restricted, tied down or trapped in various ways and therefore prevented from full self-expression as Jews. Such as - "I would like to eat kosher but I must eat with my clients at restaurants..." Or - "I simply do not have the time to put on Tefilin"...
These limitations are a form of 'vow', a pledge to the secular. On Yom Kippur, in response to our sincerity, G‑d dissolves away all these restrictions. Whatever our apparent normal commitments and pledges to material and secular values, on Yom Kippur we are given freedom and can openly express total love and dedication to G‑d.
Then, when the sacred day draws to a close, it is up to us...